emotionise ai Trust Centre

Emotionise ai has created EIMEAR, an Artificial Intelligence application. We understand the importance of trust and security when your data interacts with our EIMEAR application. This page summarises our compliance, privacy and security protocols.

Human trained and responsible AI

We use humans to train and oversee our dataset to verify that all data that is used to train
our model is ethical, transparent, and respects the privacy and rights of the individual. We
want to use our data for good, to create more respectful, considerate and empathetic


We adhere to EU GDPR regulations. GDPR Article 5(1)(f) concerns the ‘integrity and confidentiality’ of personal data. It states that personal data shall be: “processed in a manner
that ensures appropriate security of the personal data, including protection against unauthorised or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction or damage, using appropriate technical or organisational measures”.



● Controls aligned to ISO27002:2022 the International Standard for IT Security as a

guidance for control objectives.

● Irish Data Protection Commissioner Security Guidance

● EDPB Guidance on Technical and Organisational Measures

● ENISA [EU Agency for Cybersecurity] – Security Guidelines

● Centre for Internet Security

● National Institute of Standards & Technology Cybersecurity framework

● California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA)


The personal data we collect
The personal data we process is a user’s name and business email address. We use this data for user authentication purposes only. All Personal Data processed on behalf of the customer. including metadata and logs derived from that data, are stored in encrypted form using Field Level encryption and/or data at rest encryption.

How we use your data
The text that you enter into our EIMEAR application is processed to enhance emotional intelligence where required.
We analyse your text, but we do not own it. You own your text.
If you enter any personal text into EIMEAR we mask this. This means we make any potentially identifying information generic. For instance, if you enter a company name into
EIMEAR we mask this to the generic term ‘Company’.

How we share your data
We create bespoke individual models for organisations. So any text inputted is only used to train and improve your organisation’s model and no other Large Language Model.
This data cannot be linked back to an individual user.

No individuals or third parties will see the data that you enter into EIMEAR. Your data is not shared within your organisation, or with your colleagues, or management team. We use a closed-loop architecture system. Your data is not shared with third parties or used to train their models. We do not and will not sell your data. We do not and will not share your name or the company email address you use to access our system.

Data retention
Personal data processed on behalf of the customer is deleted in line with our Retention Policy and any Device Management, Equipment Management, Application Development
Management Policies, and Cloud Service Agreements.
For more information on how we handle your personal data, please refer to our Privacy policy please visit: https://emotionise.ai/privacy/

To contact the emotionise ai privacy team, email: [email protected]


Access to our system
We restrict access to our network, infrastructure, and services. Only those authorised to access data critical to their work may do so. We use Multifactor Authentication (MFA).

Network and application security
All data is encrypted in transit and at rest.
Application and networks are monitored using Microsoft Azure Monitor. Regular IT Security Audits are conducted to ensure security standards for personal data processing are implemented and maintained.

Penetration tests are completed annually. User Authentication Authentication standards are implemented to ensure effective user identity management. Logging and Monitoring Measures are implemented to ensure that Logging and Monitoring is in place for systems which process Personal Data on behalf of the Customer. We ensure Network and Infrastructure security.

The subprocessors we work with are Microsoft Azure, Open AI and Allion Technologies, our technology partner. Where your data is located Your application access data is stored in Microsoft Azure West Europe-Netherlands.

To contact the emotionise ai security team, email: [email protected]